CYBLN 033: How A Simple Scratch Off List Can Be Your Key To Success

SUMMARY SHOW NOTES – Scratch Off List And Success with Pat Helmers

How a scratch off list leads to successIn this episode my guest Pat Helmers shares his thoughts on how focusing on others becomes the key to creating a path to your own success. He describes his own journey of what that looks like for him. After being in a job that he thought would be one that he would eventually retire from, he found himself being fired due to organizational changes. The irony of it all, that was something his position had required – letting others go for legitimate reasons – now he found himself in that seat.

Pat also shares about his own ambivalence about taking steps to live out his dream. He knows what he wants to do but as many of us he too, struggles with parting with what he now does – his current job, which he loves – to follow his passion to writing a book and consulting. Pat shared some very insightful and practical thoughts.

Here are a few of the thoughts you’ll find in this episode:

  • Keep yourself in a flexible state so that you can make necessary adjustments along the wayScratch Off List And Your Success
  • Life goes by very quickly, therefore do not waste a moment of it
  • Reach into your heart, see your passion and give value to it
  • You’ve taken years to know what you now know to throw it all away for retirement
  • Believe in your product when pricing and selling
  • True happiness comes from serving other people. The more you give of yourself in serving them the more you’ll receive.
  • Use a scratch off list to help keep you on task

One of the questions that I ask is if he had a 6 month window to make a decision before that window closed, what steps would he take to decide how to live out his dream. Here are some of his answers:

  • Look for the small ways you can serve people. It might be simply connecting people to others or it might be leading a “tribe” sharing your skills, ideas and insights
  • Begin by asking, “what difference you could make in the life of someone else.”

Books mentioned:

Tool / Apps  mentioned:

Where to get in touch with Pat Helmers:

  • Twitter: @PatHelmers


This podcast is very practical and inspiring but also thought provoking. Both Pat and I would love to hear your thoughts on what stood out to you the most within this episode. Leave your comments below.  If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear or a question about an upcoming episode, e-mail me.

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About Kingsley Grant

I am a published author, motivational speaker, father of two, husband of one, licensed psychotherapist, certified midlife transitional coach, follower of Christ and President of Helping Families Improve, Inc.

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