How To Turn Your Problem Into An Opportunity By Asking That One Question

May 5, 2013


Problem OpportunityMost people grew up hearing from caring adults how to look out for the bad guys, the bad places and the bad things. We were to suspect anything and anyone who may not look like us or like what we were taught. In other words, we were taught how to have a suspicious mindset.

Were you taught that? I would love to hear your version in the space provided below.

I was taught to see bad in almost everything and in anyone that did not fit the profile created for me that represented safety.

This “training”, as noble and understanding as it was and is, trained my mind to see events, circumstances and situations in a negative way. This became my immediate response mechanism. You may have this “disorder” as well.

The reality is not everything or everyone that does not fit the profile I was handed, is bad or dangerous for me. As a matter of fact my training may have robbed me of beneficial relationships, growth opportunities and who knows what else.

I realize that I had to make some changes without throwing caution to the curb. This change has now made me look for “what might be good about this experience”  rather than  always “what is bad about it.” in other words I am now looking at the suspect as an opportunity.

Jesus told his disciples this very thing when they were about to experience suffering for his name. He said it this way: “But this will be your OPPORTUNITY to tell them about me.” (Luke 21:13 NLT) These two thoughts seem diametrically opposed to each other, yet he impressed this paradigm upon them.

Here is one question that I have found helpful in shifting to this mindset even though I don’t always get it right, but I do more often than not, “What does this (experience) make possible?” Think of all the positives you can find. They are there. I believe with this question, you can turn your problem into an opportunity.

What other thoughts do you have on this? I would love to hear. Place your comment below in the box provided.

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About Kingsley Grant

I am a published author, motivational speaker, father of two, husband of one, licensed psychotherapist, certified midlife transitional coach, follower of Christ and President of Helping Families Improve, Inc.

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