How To Become More Successful And Feel More Satisfied

September 23, 2013

Blogpost, Your Dream

pointHow To Become More Successful And Feel More Satisfied

Focus is one of the key principles that we hear so very often. We are told to focus on our academics, jobs, the projects on which we are working, our families, our health, and the list goes on and on. Being told to focus in this manner is a very good recommendation. It is worth following.

I have found that it is not as easy as it is sounds. It requires energy and discipline. The energy part I have most of the times, but I must confess that I lack the discipline majority of the time. At times I wonder if I have a case of ADHD.

One of my struggles is to remain focused on a project that takes more time than I want to give. I like when I can get something done really quickly and feel the reward of completion. I love those times.

When I am faced with a longer term project, I can be easily distracted. I fight this a lot. As a matter of fact, I have to be in this constant battle so that I can accomplish some of the projects that I dream of. I am a creator and so I’m always in that mode. I can easily start something and then a creative idea comes to my mind and I am off running with that new idea.

In spite of my lack of focus at times, I do find that when I am in my zone – fully focused – I’m less vulnerable to some temptations. Even when they may come to my mind, I am more able to ignore them and keep on target. As a matter of fact, I use self talk around what it is I’m focused on, to get me through those moments. It doesn’t always work, but it does more times than not.

The completion rate for me when I am in my focused zone is a lot higher. It also adds to my satisfaction container. I like how the apostle Paul captures this thought:

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. (Galatians 6:4 NLT)

I believe this is one of the major keys to a life of success and satisfaction. 

Here are 3 ideas as to how to experience satisfaction:

  1. Find your focus zone – that place where you can have the least amount of distraction as possible
  2. Tell someone of your plans – being held accountable is one of the sure-fire way of finishing what you start
  3. Take time to celebrate your accomplishment – having points of celebration along the way is as important as #1
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About Kingsley Grant

I am a published author, motivational speaker, father of two, husband of one, licensed psychotherapist, certified midlife transitional coach, follower of Christ and President of Helping Families Improve, Inc.

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