Becoming A Midlife Entrepreneur Could Be Good For Your Future Health

You Could Reduce Your Risk Of Old Age Disability By Becoming A Midlife Entrepreneur – Midlifepreneur, According To One Study

midlife entrepreneur and your healthAccording to a recently published study by Jenni Kulmala,, Ph.D., and co-workers from the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland provides “strong evidence that perceived work-related stress in midlife predicts functional limitations and disability later in old age.”

This study would imply that staying in an environment where your stress level is in constant elevation, could prove hazardous to your future health. 

What does this mean for you as you contemplate what you should be doing when it comes to your future? Do you stay in it because you feel there is nothing else you could do? Do you stay in it because you are fearful of taking that leap of faith to do something that you know you would enjoy and  find less stressful?

This was me as I made that BIG decision in 2008 to pursue becoming a midlife entrepreneur – midlifepreneur.

After several years of working in a highly stressed environment where my stress level was on constant high, and feeling that I might need to do something else where my stress level might be lowered but afraid of making that step, I ended up having to have a quadruple bypass surgery. I could have died from the blockages that occurred.

I do understand what it is you are feeling and the reason for some of your hesitancy. It is risky. It is trading something that is seemingly safe and secure for the uncertainty. I get it. However, what are you offering in exchange? According to this study, it could very well be your health? 

You are going to pay one way or another – now or later. According to this study, you could possibly be one of those who might end up on old-age disability. You have to decide. What is your health worth?

I wish I had listened to my body and ignored some of the signs. Even though I can’t say my ill-health was totally a result of the stressful environment I worked in, but I can say it was a contributing factor.

Maybe you cannot make any immediate changes to your situation, but hopefully you will take time to think this through and make the decision to focus on lowering your  stress level. I find that when you are doing the things that you love to do, even though there might be some related stress,, it will not be anything like what you are currently experiencing. That is why I’m suggesting that you follow your passion of becoming a midlife entrepreneur – midlifepreneur.

What is one thing that is holding you back from exchanging a stressful environment for a less stressful one? I would like to know, so would you take 90 seconds and leave a comment below?

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About Kingsley Grant

I am a published author, motivational speaker, father of two, husband of one, licensed psychotherapist, certified midlife transitional coach, follower of Christ and President of Helping Families Improve, Inc.

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