CYBLN 30: How To Pursue A New Life Instead Of A New Job

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Cybln square Redone PicMonkey 30SUMMARY SHOW NOTES:

In this episode Dr. Valerie Young outlined several ideas of how To Pursue A New Life Instead Of A New Job.

She shares from her own experience why that distinction is so important referencing her own journey as she left one job to find another. For her this experience taught her that she didn’t need a new job, but instead she needed to pursue a new life.

Her wake up call to this came when her mom died from a massive heart attack at 61 years of age, five months away from retirement. She realized she needed to make some changes and do so fast. Her first attempt was to find a job closer to home than the 90 miles commute she was making on a daily basis. However, she describe that job as changing the chairs on the Titanic.

Some of the intriguing questions that she suggested to ask ourselves when we are trying to figure out what it is we want to do with our lives or wherein our passion lies are as follows: (these are in no particular order of importance)

  • What do you want to be instead of what do you want your life to look?
  • Do you want to work from home, travel to be a part of your life, have summers off, or Valerie Youngwork in  a cubicle?
  • What did you like to do as a child? Did you like more playing with or fixing things?
  • Were you or are you a great story teller?
  • Are you willing to earn less money and have more life?

She suggests that you ask your friends and family, look for the areas of your life that you get the most compliments and then to look at how these may relate with where you are. Once you get clear on this, you could design that life anyway you want, as long as you are able to make a living from it.

Here are some other thought provoking insights she shared:

  • People pick an occupation at what they are good at then they get trapped with what they are good at but hadn’t fully counted the cost. Example a Pharmacist who have to stand on their feet all day long may not have taken the standing-all-day-long part into consideration.
  • You can get good at something but you might not have no interest in what it is you have become good at doing
  • Don’t wait until you are no longer afraid. That’s why people stay where they are miserably-comfortable. It becomes their normal.
  • Start .. get in the game .. self correct on your way.
  • Excuses of being afraid with the idea that not having some guarantee that failure might not occur, is like saying that I won’t leave home unless I know that all the lights will be green.
  • If it was my passion, then “it” shouldn’t feel this way. Because it does, then it must not be my passion.
  • It’s the impostor syndrome that keeps us from doing what we should because of what we think others may be thinking
  • Men are normally trapped into power, money and sex. This definition becomes their guide. So they’ll go after all 3 simultaneously or sequentially and then measure themselves by that.

Books mentioned:

  • Being realistic is killing your dream
  • The Impostor Syndrome
  • War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Tools / App  mentioned:

  • Evernote
  • Wunderlist

Where to get in touch with Dr. Valerie Young:



This podcast is very practical and inspiring but also thought provoking. I would love to hear your thoughts on what was said in this episode. Leave your comments below.  If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear or a question about an upcoming episode, e-mail me.

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About Kingsley Grant

I am a published author, motivational speaker, father of two, husband of one, licensed psychotherapist, certified midlife transitional coach, follower of Christ and President of Helping Families Improve, Inc.

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