CYBLN 003: (Pt. 1) How To Avoid Repeating 2 Of The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying [PODCAST]

June 28, 2013


How to avoid uttering these two of the top five regrets at the end of your life [PODCAST]


In this Episode you will hear two of the five regrets that people who were in the lastchoose square 300x300 stage of their life shared with an Austrailian nurse, Bronnie Ware. She published what they had to say in her book entitled “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.” As you listen to the podcast above, you will hear the steps you can take to avoid uttering these similar regrets at the end of your life. 

This list was shared by Susie Steiner in the UK Guardian – Feb. 2012. See the link below for the full article that she wrote.


Here are two of the five regrets that were covered within this episode.

  1. I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. 
  2. I wish I had not be so consumed by work that it robbed me of my children’s youth, more time with my partner and friends. This was most prominent among the men as they “regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.”

The other 3 regrets will be outlined in Episode 3.

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Question: What is keeping you from being true to yourself or why is work consuming so much of your time? You can leave a comment below.

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About Kingsley Grant

I am a published author, motivational speaker, father of two, husband of one, licensed psychotherapist, certified midlife transitional coach, follower of Christ and President of Helping Families Improve, Inc.

View all posts by Kingsley Grant


  1. How to avoid uttering these three of the top five regrets at the end of your life [PODCAST] | Choose Your Best Life Now - July 5, 2013

    […] Here are the last three of the Top Five Regrets that were covered within this episode. The first two are mentioned in the previous podcast – CYBLN 002 […]

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